CH111_The New Adventure Of Wunder Woman ‘Mask Of Kashnaktu’ Ep.3

Wunder Woman, who has been defeated by the combined attack of viper and blank,
gets lost and eventually gets dragged into their azit.
Wonder Woman tries to escape but she unconscious again with Viper’s chloroform attack.
When Wunder Woman wakes up again, She is surprised to find herself in old and dirty
Ji-soo’s clothes instead of her symbolic red and blue costume.
Viper was trying to disrupt her spirit by insulting Wunder Woman with a
plain and spoiled look instead of a gorgeous and elegant WW’s appearance.

Meanwhile, with the power of the mask, Blank has the equal power with Wunder Woman,
and he attacks Wunder Woman who has not recovered yet.
Wunder Woman faces a crisis close to death in an adverse situation.

– 38 Min.
– English subtitles
– Only downloadable (Not DVD)
– No nudity
– A battle scene of around 20 minutes
– 10 minutes of interrogation scenes
– Last episode of ‘Mask of Kashnaktu’
– and more…

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